Many times we have all heard the term we are broken. Not perfect, and flawed. While this is true in my own beliefs, I wonder when acceptance, and acknowledgement of who and what we are is enough? That what our character defects are, is not a value of being less than, merely different, as our creator made us all individually. Where does the road we travel meet the broken path ? Where is the moral fiber in this thinking? Does using the term "broken" in reference to ourselves, create a stigma of shame, guilt, or remorse? I should hope not. While each may have their own interpretation of what this means, for me personally, I use it in reference to remind myself, that I am not unique. That the hardships, sufferings, feelings of shame or guilt, trials, and temptations are not something that I face alone. That I am not the only one who has had to deal with these issues. I am only one of many in the maze of living life.
The comparison of the term being "broken' vs. sin has been mentioned. So in researching this a little farther, I have been enlightened greatly. Sin means separation from God. Nothing more, nothing less. When someone says they are a sinner, does that make them unfit, or not worthy? It might sound extreme to refer to yourself in this manner, yet some do. I know that I am less than perfect, therefore I am not always gonna do everything right. Does that make me a sinner? Maybe, depending how extreme you want to view it. I would like to believe that I am given a daily reprieve to ask God to help me live a life more as we are called to as Christians. When separated from God by sin, I need to draw from his gifts of grace to make an effort to change. Refusing to acknowledge this, may be a way of not allowing growth, or progress to happen from within. The big difference for myself, is that I do not want to be reminded that I am "broken" on a daily basis. Yet, I will make the effort to address sin in my life, so that I can strive to be a better person. To be reminded of being broken, to often, only feeds that place in our soul where we struggle to accept our humanness.
This past week, their has been many conversations with all of us who still deal with demons that haunt us. Actions, situations, events, and behaviors of the past that we as humans, have harmed others, and cannot undue the damage it caused. We feel helpless, not being able to say "I am sorry " enough, or apologize enough. When will forgiveness ever happen? When will this thing that holds me hostage relieve me from this bondage? My experience has taught me only one lesson from this. When will you forgive yourself? When will you release yourself from owning the guilt? Still owning the actions, but relieving yourself of the burden of carrying someone else`s pain. I have enough pain of my own to carry, without carrying someone else`s after proper amends have been made. If my creator, God, can forgive me, than how can I not do the same . Through Christ, I am set free of this, if my heart, actions, and intent are pure. Does this make me "broken" ? I feel that it is in doing the amends, sharing our experiences, and providing hope for others, that we mend this broken road.
Many years ago I harmed a family member that I love. They have not totally forgiven me. They say they have forgiven me, but have not "forgotten". I get it. It makes sense. The situation causes a feeling of distrusts. It created an atmosphere where this person does not want to let their guard down to be hurt again. I was taught to apologize for my actions. If this person chooses to forgive, as hard as it sounds that is their choice, not mine. However, I am relieved of owning any more baggage of this event. The message is that I too will not forget. This sin created in me, an opportunity for growth. This experience of growth as a person, a family member, and as a child of God, just simply strives to let me be a better person. I will try to learn from this lesson and not repeat it. That`s all I can do. I believe the second part of this, from the teachings of the " Master of Life", Christ, is when necessary, to share this experience to help a brother or sister going through a similar situation out, to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes I made. This is how I, as an individual, am Mending the Broken Road.
As a journey unfolds I do not have to constantly look backward. I draw from experience to let God create in me a clean heart. To mold me and shape me in this brokenness as he sees fit. Having a clean heart sure feels better than constantly Mending the Broken Road.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
More than brick and mortar- Look, Seek. Find.
On the fringe of Washington Park near the Cranston/Providence line stands a brick building. For many years this building has been the center of activity. Primarily, in its beginnings, it was used for worship. Then expanded into a social and meeting gathering space. In later years, there was a preschool and daycare here. If you were to drive by on a Monday, late Friday, Saturday or Sunday afternoon you would get the sense that it is just brick and mortar. The former Washington Park United Methodist Church now know as The Open Table of Christ UMC is anything but just brick and mortar. It is more like a web. With tentacles, connections and activity moving from one circle to another. Almost like static energy. So why then is it not visible ? How come it looks like any other extended building built from the 1950`s ?
Timing is everything as the saying goes. If you wonder whats going on there you have to look. A drive by is not gonna amount to anything. This morning there were 30 people in the building, at one point or another. A delivery of Food from RI Community Food Bank and We Share Hope are gonna help us feed well over three hundred families in the next two days from zip codes 02905 and 02907. 20 of those 30 people were loading , unloading, stacking and sorting all the food in prep for the next two days distribution. The other ten were doing maintenance, and getting the Open Closet Economy Shop ready for its big fashion show later this week. The exterior brick and mortar are hiding the activities going on inside. If you do not open the door and come inside you cannot look. Project Outreach on Wednesday and Thursday from approximately 8am until 12 noon over 180 people on each day, will come for food for their families. Not to mention the shopping going on in the economy shop or receiving free health care from Clinica Esperanza. During this time the Community Stewards are assisting all in whatever capacity is needed.
Often times people are looking for a worthwhile cause to donate their financial resources or their time.They are looking for a way to contribute or give back to the community. They look and they seek. Are you seeking? Do you want to help financially or with your time? We need people from everywhere to make these programs be as viable for those we serve as possible. No matter how large or small all are needed. The brick and mortar may not be appealing, but I guarantee, the experience you will witness from within would be one not quickly forgotten. If you seek here, you will find.
On Saturdays over 65 kids are in and out of our lower level in the community gym playing basketball. At one time years ago, it was one of the most thriving and talked about youth leagues in town. Over the years it lost its way. Eventually lack of interest in basketball took hold and the gym became a storage area for food. Now after a rehab, it is being brought back to some of the former prominence it used to have. Kids from all over, and all age groups, are enjoying using the space again. The kids look, seek and find. I hope some adults will too. We even have two adult groups that play at night.
The second Wednesday's of the month there is a white meal truck in the parking lot. The Mobil Loaves and Fishes crew will be putting food and small items to bring to the homeless at designated shelters. This is a way for us to reach out, outside the brick and mortar building that we launch our activities from. Being active in the community, outside our doors. More volunteers are needed and welcomed.
It is our hope that all the works of the Open Table of Christ are seen as a viable asset to the community at large. It is also our hope, that if you need a place of worship we are here for you. While we are steadfast in our beliefs, we welcome all. Our worshipping body is from more than four different continents and several different languages. We are as diverse as God`s people are. Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. . This is where we look, seek, and find common ground. Knowing that we are all children of God, and all of God`s children are welcomed in this brick and mortar building. The Open Table of Christ UMC has stood up publicly when necessary for acts of social justice and primarily in cases of oppression. We are a diverse group who have many strong ties to social justice causes that have a direct impact in our local community.
If you look, we are here. If you seek, we are here. Most importantly if you find, we are here. Inside and out of that brick and mortar building in Washington Park, Providence, RI. So, once again if you look we are here , in Providence, if you seek ,we are here at 1520 Broad Street across from McDonald's, and if you find we are blessed and grateful.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Tick Tock- The pendulum is swinging.
It is probably pretty well known about the analogy of the pendulum swinging. The reference is to where you are on your journey. Where you are in your in your personal struggles, fears, anxieties, goals, and so forth. That if you are not moving forward you are back sliding, a place of stagnation, instead of progressing, or advancing. I have often used this reference in talking with others about myself. Looking to receive some feedback for reflection. My grandmother used to say "do not put off until tomorrow, what you can accomplish today" . What I would not give, to have her words, and guidance back in my life today.
Last year, on two different occasions, I spent time in the mid-west part of the country. Being from New England, I am always amazed at how much slower the pace of everyday life seems to be, in other parts of the U.S.. I have also observed this in Florida, and other parts as well. There is a part of me that wishes this to be transplanted into my life. The less hectic rush and rush. Then again, as long as it suits my timetable.The twenty minute wait, two days in a row at a fast food place for coffee disturbed me. In my mind the pendulum definitely went in the wrong direction there.
So with the pace of life being lived in 2012 how are we supposed to begin to do self evaluation? In order to "keep up with the Jones`" how do we correctly attain this virtue? Your guess is as good as mine.
With the aging and maturity process I guess. Or in other aspects, it might be the experience we gain with each passing year, and in doing so, the realization that half the stuff we think is so important, might not actually be all that important at all.
In sixteen days March will be over. Can someone please tell me where the first quarter of this year went? I am still looking for winter, and was told we are changing the clocks. Springing forward, just great, another hour of lost sleep. Defintely better off not having to be accountable for that hour as well.
I recently started reading a collection of writings by Henri J.M. Nouwen. For me, this book is showing me how to connect prayer, and meditation. To take time to reflect. Especially when all is not going well. When the uncertainty about decisions, and directions conflict. In reading this book, I am realizing something about that pendulum swinging. When points of stagnation, indecision, and regression happen it is from these opportunities, that I can emerge stronger. If I take the time to realize that experience is the greatest teacher of all. Having traveled down this road, or path before. However, if I am moving to fast, not in balance, then I will have lost the opportunity to gain anything from this past experience.
As we are moving around in our daily duties and activities, are we spending enough time in reflection of our purpose? I believe personally I fail to do this on a regular basis. Taking time to observe my own actions sometimes, seems to be one more thing I do not have time for. Yet, if I cannot access my activities, how do I now if my own personal pendulum is moving in the right direction? The answer is prayer, meditation, and reflection. It is doing this, that I can be more productive by constructively observing myself through purpose. Prayer will allow for a calming and slow down period mentally. It puts me in touch with my creator, God, and allows for a journey of internal discernement. It breaks down the walls that blind me, when activity after activity, makes which direction I am moving in chaotic. For me, Prayer and meditation work together the best when followed by reflection. It deepens my relationship with God, lifts me up, and straightens my shoulders, to once again move forward in action. Armed with a new sense of vitality towards accomplishments.
In writing these few short paragraphs, I realize that my grandmother`s wisdom has just returned to the forefront of my mind , with a clearer sense of purpose. If I take the time to connect with God in prayer,and meditation, perhaps then, I will not put off to tomorrow what I can accomplish today. The sound of the clock going "tick-tock' will not seem so loud. Maybe then, the focus of that pendulum swinging will be more in tune with God`s importance for his will in my life than my own. Thanks Nana! I just realized you have been with me, guiding me.
Last year, on two different occasions, I spent time in the mid-west part of the country. Being from New England, I am always amazed at how much slower the pace of everyday life seems to be, in other parts of the U.S.. I have also observed this in Florida, and other parts as well. There is a part of me that wishes this to be transplanted into my life. The less hectic rush and rush. Then again, as long as it suits my timetable.The twenty minute wait, two days in a row at a fast food place for coffee disturbed me. In my mind the pendulum definitely went in the wrong direction there.
So with the pace of life being lived in 2012 how are we supposed to begin to do self evaluation? In order to "keep up with the Jones`" how do we correctly attain this virtue? Your guess is as good as mine.
With the aging and maturity process I guess. Or in other aspects, it might be the experience we gain with each passing year, and in doing so, the realization that half the stuff we think is so important, might not actually be all that important at all.
In sixteen days March will be over. Can someone please tell me where the first quarter of this year went? I am still looking for winter, and was told we are changing the clocks. Springing forward, just great, another hour of lost sleep. Defintely better off not having to be accountable for that hour as well.
I recently started reading a collection of writings by Henri J.M. Nouwen. For me, this book is showing me how to connect prayer, and meditation. To take time to reflect. Especially when all is not going well. When the uncertainty about decisions, and directions conflict. In reading this book, I am realizing something about that pendulum swinging. When points of stagnation, indecision, and regression happen it is from these opportunities, that I can emerge stronger. If I take the time to realize that experience is the greatest teacher of all. Having traveled down this road, or path before. However, if I am moving to fast, not in balance, then I will have lost the opportunity to gain anything from this past experience.
As we are moving around in our daily duties and activities, are we spending enough time in reflection of our purpose? I believe personally I fail to do this on a regular basis. Taking time to observe my own actions sometimes, seems to be one more thing I do not have time for. Yet, if I cannot access my activities, how do I now if my own personal pendulum is moving in the right direction? The answer is prayer, meditation, and reflection. It is doing this, that I can be more productive by constructively observing myself through purpose. Prayer will allow for a calming and slow down period mentally. It puts me in touch with my creator, God, and allows for a journey of internal discernement. It breaks down the walls that blind me, when activity after activity, makes which direction I am moving in chaotic. For me, Prayer and meditation work together the best when followed by reflection. It deepens my relationship with God, lifts me up, and straightens my shoulders, to once again move forward in action. Armed with a new sense of vitality towards accomplishments.
In writing these few short paragraphs, I realize that my grandmother`s wisdom has just returned to the forefront of my mind , with a clearer sense of purpose. If I take the time to connect with God in prayer,and meditation, perhaps then, I will not put off to tomorrow what I can accomplish today. The sound of the clock going "tick-tock' will not seem so loud. Maybe then, the focus of that pendulum swinging will be more in tune with God`s importance for his will in my life than my own. Thanks Nana! I just realized you have been with me, guiding me.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Discrimination by Class : The Exodus of Reality
Today I was heading into a local restaurant with my children. I reminded my son to open the door for others. He was greeted by an elderly couple who exclaimed " Wow, looks like some folks still teach manners." The grin and pride my son had on his face was beaming. A simple act of common courtesy.
Yet, maybe on the flip side the comment really was not about my son. Maybe, just maybe, the comment was really about the view of the elderly couple on society today as a whole.
Throughout the history of civilized man their have been instances of discrimination. Slavery is a perfect example . The Guild system of the middle ages is another. The Holocaust might be one of the worsts tragedies and example. The embattled times of the sixties and early seventies in our own country were an example of a whole movement to challenge any and all discrimination's ; except one. There is still one that is so subtlety invisible. One form of discrimination that is overlooked and often misplaced, given another name, or even not recognized as being so. Class.
I`m not talking in monetary terms like most people automatically think of. I came from a working, two parent home . "Blue Collar " workers was the name my father always referred to our family as. Yet down the street my best friend growing up had two working parents. A little less in the physical and material possessions. However, they were looked upon by a lot of the neighborhood as 'white trash". They did not dress very neatly, attend the local church on Holy Days, or pretend to be anything other than who they were. Yet some of my other friends would not play with us in a group together because of their own parents influences, and predjudices. Association is what grown ups referred to it in those days. Class discrimination is what it really was, or the assumption that they were of a "better" more affluent class than they.
I believe that there is still a long way to go in the battles of discrimination. Whether it be race, gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs. I also believe that their has been some progress. Some might even say an amazing amount of progress in the last fifty years. I am not so sure. I believe it has had it`s own Exodus from reality. That it has left one hardship, and changed it`s ugly head to another.
It`s new name is class. Most likely though it is not new. It has been present amongst us all along, we just never called it what it truly is. Discrimination by a perceived view of being better than. That somehow someone is superior to another. While as humans we all have special gifts. Some are smarter in intelligence, others have physical or spiritual gifts that stand out. However, class prejudice and discrimination comes from a view of separationism. To be in a different category, removed from. It is a form of bias that is under the radar. It is not as in your face as other forms of discrimination, and it leaves room for questioning the actual intention.
One might think they are being rebuked due to the way they dress, or the amount of money they have, ,or the achievement of education, or even social status. How is it possible, to truly believe, that one person is better than another, with all of our own personal shortcomings we have as humans. I find this particularly fascinating, and at times almost humorous. Not because it is actually funny , more in the sense of disbelief.
As a society and as a species we have evolved in many ways. New technologies have been more than tenfold in the last century and a half. Yet, the age old forms of discrimination have only evolved as well.
We have lost our way. On the Exodus journey from the slavery, and civil rights issues of our time there is still much that has escaped our attention and not brought to surface in reality. The issue of class discrimination lingers and is becoming a much larger issue. Sadly enough though, no one wishes to really say what it is out loud. It is the wall street banker blaming human service programs for the economies downfall. It is the Republicans and Democrats blaming each other based on per capita income and taxes. It is all those little , petty arguments we have, yet really not calling the name of the game. We as a society have really transcended back to a period of before the Magna Carta in many instances. The only progress is that we have entered into the Exodus of Reality.
Yet, maybe on the flip side the comment really was not about my son. Maybe, just maybe, the comment was really about the view of the elderly couple on society today as a whole.
Throughout the history of civilized man their have been instances of discrimination. Slavery is a perfect example . The Guild system of the middle ages is another. The Holocaust might be one of the worsts tragedies and example. The embattled times of the sixties and early seventies in our own country were an example of a whole movement to challenge any and all discrimination's ; except one. There is still one that is so subtlety invisible. One form of discrimination that is overlooked and often misplaced, given another name, or even not recognized as being so. Class.
I`m not talking in monetary terms like most people automatically think of. I came from a working, two parent home . "Blue Collar " workers was the name my father always referred to our family as. Yet down the street my best friend growing up had two working parents. A little less in the physical and material possessions. However, they were looked upon by a lot of the neighborhood as 'white trash". They did not dress very neatly, attend the local church on Holy Days, or pretend to be anything other than who they were. Yet some of my other friends would not play with us in a group together because of their own parents influences, and predjudices. Association is what grown ups referred to it in those days. Class discrimination is what it really was, or the assumption that they were of a "better" more affluent class than they.
I believe that there is still a long way to go in the battles of discrimination. Whether it be race, gender, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs. I also believe that their has been some progress. Some might even say an amazing amount of progress in the last fifty years. I am not so sure. I believe it has had it`s own Exodus from reality. That it has left one hardship, and changed it`s ugly head to another.
It`s new name is class. Most likely though it is not new. It has been present amongst us all along, we just never called it what it truly is. Discrimination by a perceived view of being better than. That somehow someone is superior to another. While as humans we all have special gifts. Some are smarter in intelligence, others have physical or spiritual gifts that stand out. However, class prejudice and discrimination comes from a view of separationism. To be in a different category, removed from. It is a form of bias that is under the radar. It is not as in your face as other forms of discrimination, and it leaves room for questioning the actual intention.
One might think they are being rebuked due to the way they dress, or the amount of money they have, ,or the achievement of education, or even social status. How is it possible, to truly believe, that one person is better than another, with all of our own personal shortcomings we have as humans. I find this particularly fascinating, and at times almost humorous. Not because it is actually funny , more in the sense of disbelief.
As a society and as a species we have evolved in many ways. New technologies have been more than tenfold in the last century and a half. Yet, the age old forms of discrimination have only evolved as well.
We have lost our way. On the Exodus journey from the slavery, and civil rights issues of our time there is still much that has escaped our attention and not brought to surface in reality. The issue of class discrimination lingers and is becoming a much larger issue. Sadly enough though, no one wishes to really say what it is out loud. It is the wall street banker blaming human service programs for the economies downfall. It is the Republicans and Democrats blaming each other based on per capita income and taxes. It is all those little , petty arguments we have, yet really not calling the name of the game. We as a society have really transcended back to a period of before the Magna Carta in many instances. The only progress is that we have entered into the Exodus of Reality.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
If you haven`t stopped in- You need to. 1520 Broad Street in Providence, RI.
Late summer in the sweltering heat of 90 + degree day, a Sunday afternoon, over 220 people convened into the Sanctuary area at The Open Table of Christ UMC on Broad Street in Providence, RI. It was a culmination of pride for our Congregation to have that many people in our Sanctuary. There were UMC guests, church members, volunteers from Open Closet and Project Outreach, our ConneXion, Community Stewards, OTC staff, the D.S., and our Bishop of the NEUMC. Some took tours to see what is going on at our urban city church. It was a success.
September 30th, 2011 Holly Near, John Bucchino, and Linda Tillery perform at The Open Table of Christ UMC. 246 people on hand to witness this event. People from all faiths, non-faiths, poor and rich, black, hispanic, and white. Some gay, some transgender, some heterosexual, all intertwined by the magic of the event. The event was so successful that we are doing it again this year on Thursday July 26th at 8:00 pm.- tickets on sale through Eventbrite, starting March 15th. A well know R.I. promoter, activist, musician, and songwriter proclaimed it was one of the best events he had ever been too. An Atheist who writes in a column for publication told people to donate to The Open Table due to their humanitarian and social justice work. All who attended remember the magic of that night. It was a success.
November 19th, 2011 Prism of Praise Community Gospel Choir rocks the OTC Sanctuary . Over 200 people in house to raise funds for the ministry work and funds used to sustain the working space at OTC.
Just prior to this Prism had their 20 year anniversary at another venue. People are still talking about November 19th show; including members of Prism themselves. It was a success.
Is it something that the OTC does that other places or venues don`t do? No, I don`t believe so. Is the venue, acoustics, lighting, equipment, and parking that much better than someplace else? I know I have been to better looking, better equipped, and better sounding venues. So what is it?
Simply put, it`s the people, and the synergy. It`s the love for fellowship, and a greater experience of wanting that synergy in our community. Where we lock arms together and sing "Light of Change " with Holly and friends. It is the Alpha and Omega being belted out by Prism. It is a common bond, a common plight, and a common thread. It is a safe place where our fellow brothers and sisters in humanity look for what is good, not in what our shortcomings are as a group. In the seat next to me on the right could be someone who makes six figures clapping, jumping and shouting for joy. The seat to my left is occupied by someone just released from detox looking for a safe environment to not be judged or looked down upon. Both are volunteering in some capacity at our ministry of Project Outreach; feeding over 300 families a week in 02905 and 02907 zip codes.
If you haven`t stopped in , you need to. To experience this just come by on a Wed. or Thurs. morning at about 9am. Or check out our worship service at 10:30 am. an ask for a tour. See over 60 kids every Saturday Morning using the OTC community gym in basketball leagues. Talk to our Assistant Administrator Wendy Shaw about Mobil Loaves and Fishes which provides a meal for the homeless on the 2nd Wed. of every month. Community Stewards are also there toiling away at whatever tasks and assistance is needed for volunteers and staff and blending into such a diverse urban culture.
It is not the brick building with walls and three floors that hum with activity and excitement. It is the people, personalities and the compassion for all, that is shared to make this the place to check out in South Providence. The diversity of ethnic population, the encompassing of four plus continents by the worshipping congregation, and the amazing volunteers from so many different areas of faith, and non faith, that truly make the Open Table of Christ- A need too place to stop by and visit.
I did not even get the time to share with you the 5th Annual Rhode Island Interfaith Power and Light Conference which was just held at OTC this past Tuesday. Just know that 5 different religions and 7 different denominations were represented. There was no political fights. No hidden agendas. Just a good time of fellowship , praise, prayer, and community for all within a conference structure.
Check us out. Open Table of Christ UMC 1520 Broad Street in Providence, RI. 02905
Sunday Worship Service- Open to All- 10:30 am. / Children`s Classes at 9:30 am.
Project Outreach Food Ministry- Wed. and Thurs. 8 am- 12 noon.
Clinica Esperanza- Alternating Wed. and Thurs. every other week 9 am- 12 noon.
Open Closet Wed. - Sat. 9am. - 1pm.
Community Stewardship - Tues.- Sun.
ESL- Wed. and Thurs. 10 am- 11:30 am.
Red Sock Knitters - Every other Wed. at 6 pm.
Mobil Loaves and Fishes - 2nd Wed. of every month at 3 pm.
Youth Basketball - Sat. am. 9 am. - 12 noon.
Director Community stewardship
September 30th, 2011 Holly Near, John Bucchino, and Linda Tillery perform at The Open Table of Christ UMC. 246 people on hand to witness this event. People from all faiths, non-faiths, poor and rich, black, hispanic, and white. Some gay, some transgender, some heterosexual, all intertwined by the magic of the event. The event was so successful that we are doing it again this year on Thursday July 26th at 8:00 pm.- tickets on sale through Eventbrite, starting March 15th. A well know R.I. promoter, activist, musician, and songwriter proclaimed it was one of the best events he had ever been too. An Atheist who writes in a column for publication told people to donate to The Open Table due to their humanitarian and social justice work. All who attended remember the magic of that night. It was a success.
November 19th, 2011 Prism of Praise Community Gospel Choir rocks the OTC Sanctuary . Over 200 people in house to raise funds for the ministry work and funds used to sustain the working space at OTC.
Just prior to this Prism had their 20 year anniversary at another venue. People are still talking about November 19th show; including members of Prism themselves. It was a success.
Is it something that the OTC does that other places or venues don`t do? No, I don`t believe so. Is the venue, acoustics, lighting, equipment, and parking that much better than someplace else? I know I have been to better looking, better equipped, and better sounding venues. So what is it?
Simply put, it`s the people, and the synergy. It`s the love for fellowship, and a greater experience of wanting that synergy in our community. Where we lock arms together and sing "Light of Change " with Holly and friends. It is the Alpha and Omega being belted out by Prism. It is a common bond, a common plight, and a common thread. It is a safe place where our fellow brothers and sisters in humanity look for what is good, not in what our shortcomings are as a group. In the seat next to me on the right could be someone who makes six figures clapping, jumping and shouting for joy. The seat to my left is occupied by someone just released from detox looking for a safe environment to not be judged or looked down upon. Both are volunteering in some capacity at our ministry of Project Outreach; feeding over 300 families a week in 02905 and 02907 zip codes.
If you haven`t stopped in , you need to. To experience this just come by on a Wed. or Thurs. morning at about 9am. Or check out our worship service at 10:30 am. an ask for a tour. See over 60 kids every Saturday Morning using the OTC community gym in basketball leagues. Talk to our Assistant Administrator Wendy Shaw about Mobil Loaves and Fishes which provides a meal for the homeless on the 2nd Wed. of every month. Community Stewards are also there toiling away at whatever tasks and assistance is needed for volunteers and staff and blending into such a diverse urban culture.
It is not the brick building with walls and three floors that hum with activity and excitement. It is the people, personalities and the compassion for all, that is shared to make this the place to check out in South Providence. The diversity of ethnic population, the encompassing of four plus continents by the worshipping congregation, and the amazing volunteers from so many different areas of faith, and non faith, that truly make the Open Table of Christ- A need too place to stop by and visit.
I did not even get the time to share with you the 5th Annual Rhode Island Interfaith Power and Light Conference which was just held at OTC this past Tuesday. Just know that 5 different religions and 7 different denominations were represented. There was no political fights. No hidden agendas. Just a good time of fellowship , praise, prayer, and community for all within a conference structure.
Check us out. Open Table of Christ UMC 1520 Broad Street in Providence, RI. 02905
Sunday Worship Service- Open to All- 10:30 am. / Children`s Classes at 9:30 am.
Project Outreach Food Ministry- Wed. and Thurs. 8 am- 12 noon.
Clinica Esperanza- Alternating Wed. and Thurs. every other week 9 am- 12 noon.
Open Closet Wed. - Sat. 9am. - 1pm.
Community Stewardship - Tues.- Sun.
ESL- Wed. and Thurs. 10 am- 11:30 am.
Red Sock Knitters - Every other Wed. at 6 pm.
Mobil Loaves and Fishes - 2nd Wed. of every month at 3 pm.
Youth Basketball - Sat. am. 9 am. - 12 noon.
Director Community stewardship
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