Thursday, March 1, 2012

If you haven`t stopped in- You need to. 1520 Broad Street in Providence, RI.

Late summer in the sweltering heat of 90 + degree day, a Sunday afternoon, over 220 people convened into the Sanctuary area at The Open Table of Christ UMC on Broad Street in Providence, RI. It was a culmination of pride for our Congregation to have that many people in our  Sanctuary. There were UMC guests, church members, volunteers from Open Closet and Project Outreach, our ConneXion, Community Stewards, OTC staff, the D.S., and our Bishop of the NEUMC. Some took tours to see what is going on at our urban city church. It was a success.

September 30th, 2011  Holly Near, John Bucchino, and Linda Tillery perform at The Open Table of Christ UMC.  246 people on hand to witness this event. People from all faiths, non-faiths, poor and rich, black, hispanic, and white. Some gay, some transgender, some heterosexual, all intertwined by the magic of the event. The event was so successful that we are doing it again this year on Thursday July 26th at 8:00 pm.- tickets on sale through Eventbrite, starting March 15th. A  well know R.I. promoter, activist, musician, and songwriter proclaimed it was one of the best events he had ever been too. An Atheist who writes in a column for publication told people to donate to The Open Table due to their humanitarian and social justice work. All who attended remember the magic of that night. It was a success.

November 19th, 2011 Prism of Praise Community Gospel Choir rocks the OTC Sanctuary . Over 200 people in house to raise funds for the ministry work and funds used to sustain the working space at OTC.
Just prior to this Prism had their 20 year anniversary at another venue. People are still talking about November 19th show;  including members of Prism themselves. It was a success.

Is it something that the OTC does that other places or venues don`t do? No, I don`t believe so. Is the venue, acoustics, lighting, equipment, and parking that much better than someplace else? I know I have been to better looking, better equipped, and better sounding venues. So what is it?

Simply put, it`s the people, and the synergy. It`s the love for fellowship, and a greater experience of wanting that synergy in our community. Where we lock arms together and sing "Light of Change " with Holly and friends. It is the Alpha and Omega being belted out by Prism. It is a common bond, a common plight, and a common thread. It is a safe place where our fellow brothers and sisters in humanity look for what is good, not in what our shortcomings are as a group.  In the seat next to me on the right could be someone who makes six figures clapping, jumping and shouting for joy. The seat to my left is occupied by someone just released from detox looking for a safe environment to not be judged or looked down upon. Both are volunteering in some capacity at our ministry of Project Outreach; feeding over 300 families a week in 02905 and 02907 zip codes.

If you haven`t stopped in , you need to. To experience this just come by on a Wed. or Thurs. morning at about 9am.  Or check out our worship service at 10:30 am. an ask for a tour. See over 60 kids every Saturday Morning using the OTC community gym in basketball leagues. Talk to our Assistant Administrator Wendy Shaw about Mobil Loaves and Fishes which provides a meal for the homeless on the 2nd Wed. of every month. Community Stewards are also there toiling away at whatever tasks and assistance is needed for volunteers and staff and blending into such a diverse urban culture.

It is not the brick building with walls and three floors that hum with activity and excitement. It is the people, personalities and the compassion for all, that is shared to make this the place to check out in South Providence. The diversity of ethnic population, the encompassing of four plus continents by the worshipping congregation, and the amazing volunteers from so many different areas of faith, and non faith, that truly make the Open Table of Christ- A need too place to stop by and visit.

I did not even get the time to share with you the 5th Annual Rhode Island Interfaith Power and Light Conference which was just held at OTC this past Tuesday. Just know that 5 different religions and 7 different denominations were represented. There was no political fights. No hidden agendas. Just a good time of fellowship , praise, prayer, and community for all within a conference structure.

Check us out.  Open Table of Christ UMC 1520 Broad Street in Providence, RI. 02905

Sunday Worship Service- Open to All- 10:30 am. / Children`s Classes at 9:30 am.

Project Outreach Food Ministry- Wed. and Thurs. 8 am- 12 noon.

Clinica Esperanza- Alternating Wed. and Thurs. every other week 9 am- 12 noon.

Open Closet Wed. - Sat. 9am. - 1pm.

Community Stewardship - Tues.- Sun.

ESL- Wed. and Thurs. 10 am- 11:30 am.

Red Sock Knitters - Every other Wed. at 6 pm.

Mobil Loaves and Fishes - 2nd Wed. of every month at 3 pm.

Youth Basketball - Sat. am. 9 am. - 12 noon.

Director Community stewardship

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